Plan Next Year’s Landscape Projects Now

As fall and winter begin to set in, now is the perfect time to think about what you want to get out of your yard next spring. While plants are dormant in Northern Virginia, your landscape planning can flourish as you revisit existing designs and reconsider plant palettes.

Some landscaping projects can actually be better suited to the off-season months. There are also certain advantages to getting an early start in fall and winter.

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Benefits of Planning Ahead

Planning next year’s landscape projects in the fall and winter allows you to get a clearer picture of needed changes while taking advantage of shorter wait times.

When plants and trees have lost their leaves, sightlines are exposed. Being able to examine the “bones” of your garden lets you easily see what is out of balance and where you might want to pepper in a bit of texture or add some structure. The experts at Rossen Landscape can help you decide whether these additions should be in the form of plants, hardscaping or an outdoor structure.

Working with a landscape designer in the fall or winter eliminates competition with their spring and summer demands like installation supervision. You’ll also be able to get your order started for long lead-time items, such as outdoor kitchen appliances or specialty items. The off-season is also a great time to get a jump on any necessary permits to avoid start-up delays, since municipal departments are less likely to be bogged down with plan approvals in winter.


Evaluate Your Existing Landscape

To begin your end-of-year planning, start by making a list of what you like and don’t like about your yard. Walk the perimeter of your property and attempt to view the space objectively, as if you were a stranger. Are hedges overgrown or is privacy lacking? Are there bare spots where some color or texture would bring visual interest? Is there a logical flow between entertaining areas, or do these spaces feel disjointed?

Make two lists: one of your property’s best assets and one of things that fall short. Maybe there’s an architectural feature of your home that you’d like to highlight with your landscape lighting. On the other hand, perhaps there’s an unattractive property next door that you’d like to block from view with privacy plantings.

A landscape professional can help you get a sense of how to change your landscape, as well as what to add. Common wish list items include:

Hardscape — steps, paths, walls

Structures — a pergola, arbor, gate, patio, deck or pavilion

Focal points — a water or fire feature

Design elements — planters, lighting or theme gardens

Fine-Tune Your Ideas

Once you’ve planned big picture items and and have given your landscaper the general idea for your projects, the upcoming cold winter days are perfect for cozying up with the latest gardening and design resources. Check out books, magazines and websites for the latest trends to spark inspiration for your yard’s finer details.

Rossen Landscape offers comprehensive, creative landscape solutions and management. Our team of certified designers, landscape technicians, horticulturists and other experts work together to create and maintain your environment. Learn about our landscape design process here, or contact us to schedule a consultation.

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